sports massage Southampton
MBody Sports Massage
25 Queen's Terrace
Hampshire SO14 3BQ
sports massage Southampton
sports massage Southampton


EFT Training Southampton, Hampshire
Would you like to improve various areas of your life? And get more of what you want in life? With EFT you can get results quickly and lasting, giving you more of what you want, and leaving behind what you don’t want, taking the learnings and tools to move in the direction you want!

Steps Life Coach Southampton
Using a number of techniques, tools and skills, either on their own or in combination, to overcome limiting beliefs, lack of confidence, fears, etc., my aim is to help you to finally grab the proverbial 'bull by the horns' and take control of your life.

NLP Training Southampton
From its very early days NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming, has modelled excellence and achieved fast and lasting results. Four decades on, people who have benefited from using NLP are in the millions, from all sectors and walks of life, from Hollywood celebrities to Business Directors right through to housewives and husbands.

Steps Holistic Therapies Southampton
I am a Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher, a Fifth Dimension Healer, Reflexologist (feet, hands and face), Crystal Healer, Make-up & Skin Care & Image Consultant and a Holistic Chef. I am an enabler, awakener and a freer. What I mean by this is that by working with Reiki, reflexology, crystal healing, make-up and Holistic chef services I help people to look at their life in a different light. What all these therapies and services have in common is that they all work with energy in different ways, they unblock it, allow it to flow, address areas where the energy have become stagnant, make us feel better about ourselves, feed us energy, especially when we are preparing food and ingesting it, etc.

Medical Clinic Southampton
We offer a wide range of treatments and therapies for your skin health, inner health, weight management and hair. All of our treatments and therapies are medically-based and designed to protect, maintain, restore and improve your physical and mental health and well-being - helping you become the best version of you.

MBody Sports Massage
25 Queen's Terrace
Hampshire SO14 3BQ
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